Online CSV Editor – PHP CSV Editor
Edit your CSV (Comma Separated Values) files online.
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Professional CSV File Editor to edit, view and read, sort, and export all your data in no time.
online CSV Editor is a powerful CSV file editor. It can open any format of separated text, including the standard comma and tab separated files (CSV and TSV), and allows total control over their content.
With a clean and neat interface the online CSV Editor is also ideal to simply view and read CSV, or any text delimited, files.
CSV Editor Pro is the ultimate online CSV editor, whether you need to edit a CSV file, change some data, or export to another format, this is the ideal solution for anyone who regularly works with CSV files.
- CRUD (create, read, update and delete) CVS file data source
- Scan folder for files
- Multiple delimiters supported (CSV, DSV, TSV, PSV etc.)
- Multiple line endings supported (CRLF or LF)
- Pagination, so header columns are always visible
- Sortable columns (no duplicate names allowed)
- Use Date Picker
- Use Select Boxes
- Use Checkboxes
- Search on every field
- Export as Text, XML, JSON and PDF
- Modern: Responsive, Bootstrap, jQuery
- Super easy to install and integrate with your existing project
- Manual file is included in download file
- 1. Set Admin Username and Password in config
- 2. Copy all Files to Server
- 3. Login and you are ready to start!
PHP 4 or > is all you need
This plugin does not make any use of any special function, so it will work in nearly every server environment. In case of any problems with specific hostings let us know immediately!
If you run into problems please give me not a bad rate, please take a look at the documentation of the script. If this is not helpful contact my support, i will do everything so that my product deserves a 5 star rating!
Thank you very much.
Do you want to customize my script as you want? Just purchase the Extended License and shoot me a message from my profile page to let me know how you’re using it. Thanks!
Please take a look at my other scripts:
Roadmap 7.9.6 (2022)IMP - Translations (/lang/) IMP - On Add or Edit return to List if Key is not set (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Remove UTF8 Bom (config.php) IMP - Sort files alphabetically in file-select-box (config.php) FIX - User with no Delete-Permission can Delete in Search (lib-CSV.php)Version 7.5.5 (2022)
ADD - Support for PHP 8 ADD - Search only a special Column (search.php, lib-CSV.php) ADD - Search reg_ex like (/lang/, lib-CSV.php) ADD - Table fixed header in View, Edit & Search (lib-CSV.php, custom.css, config.php) ADD - Table header stickiness in Export (d3.php) FIX - Delete-Funtion Bug on SearchPage if Language is not en (lib-CSV.php, config.php) FIX - Missing global var in Export Modul (export.php) FIX - Typo from Germany Translation, update to 2.2 (/lang/de.php) FIX - Bug in Multi-Edit-Mode if allowToEditTheKey = true (lib-CSV.php) FIX - Bug if Add New Record in Edit-Mode and allowToEditTheKey = true (lib-CSV.php)Version v7.1 (2022)
FIX - File-Menu now only shown if user have Upload-Rights (lib-CSV.php)Version v7 (2022)
ADD - Parameter to allow to Edit the Key or not (lib-CSV.php & config.php) ADD - Export with Script (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Placeholder in Input-Tag for original Value (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Once closed by Click Update & Hint Box stays hidden for 30 Days (lib-CSV.php) IMP - If BS Select Language File dosn't exist set English as Default (lib-CSV.php) IMP - CSS Class "Back to List" Button (lib-CSV.php) FIX - ISO Language Settings for Boostrap Select (alle Files in /lang/) FIX - Language Typo "Duplicate" (alle Files in /lang/)Version v6 (2022)
ADD - Administrate all Settings from the Backend (lib-CSV.php & settings.php) ADD - Show Images and Links in a Lightbox (lib-CSV.php & config.php) ADD - System now also in French Français (/lang/) ADD - System now also in Spanish Español (/lang/) ADD - System now also in Italian Italiano (/lang/) ADD - System now also in Russian Русский (/lang/) ADD - System now also in Polish Polskie (/lang/) IMP - Revision System (lib-CSV.php)Version v5 (2022)
ADD - Add var for CDN e.g. jQuery (config.php, export.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Use unescaped unicode & slashes for JSON export (config.php & export.php) ADD - HTML Export CSS can be easly changed (export.php & export.css) ADD - on SSL Show/Hide Password (index.php, signin.js/css, config.php & /lang/) ADD - Collumns name mail or email are now Mailto-Links (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Duplicate, rename and delete files (user.csv, verify1.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Multiple character encodings supported eg. UTF-8 (all Files) ADD - Allow "Date" as the key column (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Checkbox function (lib-CSV.php) ADD - PHP Date Format in RevisionSystem & Datepicker (lib-CSV.php & revision.php) ADD - Dark-Mode (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Datepicker function (config.php, lib-CSV.php & all Language Files) ADD - New Record ID Suggestion (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Select All/None for Allowed Fileslist in Multi User Management (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Use Delete Button on Searchpage (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Hint now on List and Edit page (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Update the PDF Generator for the Export Function (export.php & /lib/pdf) IMP - Cache css and js only if there are no changes (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Use Decimal Separator on Revision File Size (config.php & /lang/) IMP - iframe.php use now also fullscreen parameter (iframe.php) IMP - First Letter of Username Lowercase on Mobile (index.php) IMP - Auto reload page after upload so new file will be shown directly (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Improve the security of the Multi User Management (.htaccess) IMP - Sort function now have also an option for sorting by date (lib-CSV.php) IMP - User Management now also Work if there is no File allowed (lib-CSV.php) FIX - Don't use "New Record ID Suggestion Function" on User (lib-CSV.php) FIX - Keyfield now also readonly in single-edit mode (lib-CSV.php) FIX - i18n Support for Revision-Management (revision.php & /lang/) FIX - Small Bug in Search that "sometimes" find not matching Records (lib-CSV.php)Version 4.1 (2021)
ADD - Allow "All Files" in User Management (user.csv, verify1.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Select All/None for MultiSelect Input (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Select Box with i18n Support (lib-CSV.php & all Language Files) ADD - Extra Parameter to hide special Fields in Search (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Setting Action Buttons to the left or to the right in Search (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Small CSS Improvment for Info Box on Mobile (lib-CSV.php) FIX - Small Bugfixes for hide special Fields in List View (lib-CSV.php) FIX - Some small Multi User Management BugfixesVersion 4.0 (2020)
ADD - Multi User Management ADD - Revision Management ADD - PDF Export ADD - HTML Export ADD - Parameter for setting Action Buttons to the left or to the right in List Mode ADD - Use Columne Info Tooltip Option in List Mode IMP - Set max. Filesize for Upload to INI value max. Filesize IMP - Translations for Upload Function IMP - New Favicon by IMP - Tooltip for Keyfield in Edit Mode FIX - Bug in Export FunctionVersion 3.2 (2018)
ADD - If value in column is numeric show value right-justified ADD - If "FileName_INFO_Column Name.extention" in Datafolder exists show Tooltip ADD - Edit Button in Searchresult Page ADD - Hide special Fields in Edit-View ADD - set maximum line number for one-page edit-view ADD - Optionally hide Edit Link in Main-Menu ADD - Optionally hide Export Link in Main-Menu ADD - Optionally hide special Fields in Single-Edit-View ADD - Sort List by Columns in Single-Edit-Mode (if deleteDirect = true) ADD - Allow Underscores in Column-Names (changes in lib-CSV.lib) ADD - Mark row with color on click (changes in custom.css & lib-CSV.lib) FIX - CSV Data Export FIX - Save Files in csvPath DirectoryVersion 2.1 (06.2016)
ADD - Optionally: Add some text under the navigation? (lib-CSV.php & config.php) ADD - Show Filename in Headline (lib-CSV.php) FIX - Workaround so Upload work also with Firefox and IE (lib-CSV.php)Version 2.0 (05.2016)
ADD - Single-Edit-Mode: Delete, Edit & Add (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - CSV File Upload Feature (config.php, lib-CSV.php, .css & .js) ADD - Ask before Unload if Changes were made (lib-CSV.php & custom.js) ADD - Throw Error in Edit-Mode if Key-Field is not defined (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Excel and Wikipedia CSV Support (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Sort by a Special Column. Default should be 'id'! (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Underline Sort Column in Edit-Mode (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Local CDN Fallback, so it work without Internet (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Fix Mobile Responsiv Menue (lib-CSV.php & custom.css) IMP - Better view for Tables with long line Records (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Now the Script is PHP 7.0 compatible (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Some Code Refactoring (lib-CSV.php)Version 1.10 (01.2016)
ADD - i18n Support language inkl. de & en Translation (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Data shortenAfter n Characters in List (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Confirm Delete or Delete direct TRUE/FALSE (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Show Page fullscreen TRUE/FALSE (config.php, lib-CSV.php & custom.css) ADD - Line Endings e.g. '#' (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Sort Iframe Table TRUE/FALSE (config.php & iframe.php) ADD - Show Number Of Lines TRUE/FALSE (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Startpage 'list'/'edit' after login (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Extention 'txt'/'php' for Edit Select-Box (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - iFrame 'Password' checked if set (config.php & iframe.php) ADD - Readonly Fields can be used (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Show Hint TRUE/FALSE in Edit-Mode (config.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - Export CSV as CSV (export.php & lib-CSV.php) ADD - If Select-Box Field is readonly then show Input-Field (lib-CSV.php) ADD - If Key-Field is Numeric then align it right (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Simple XSS-Protection (search.php & lib-CSV.php) IMP - Fixed the Button-Positions in Edit-Mode in a more logical way (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Show Keyword on Searchpage (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Improve CSS of Select-Box (custom.css) IMP - Small Code Improvements (lib-CSV.php)Version 1.9 (11.2015)
ADD - Extention for Select-Option File now can be Set TXT or PHP (lib-CSV.php) IMP - Improve SESSION Management on Prog. Change (lib-CSV.php) ADD - Darken Page on Search-Focus (custom.css, custom.js & lib-CSV.php) FIX - Linecounter in Select-Box now do not count Headline (lib-CSV.php)Version 1.8 (11.2015)
ADD - Export CSV File as JSON in Browser or as Download FIX - Input Fields are as Big as Content in Edit Modus for better ResponsiveVersion 1.7 (11.2015)
ADD - Export CSV File as Text or XML in Browser or as DownloadVersion 1.6 (11.2015)
ADD - You can use Select-Boxes in Edit Modus IMP - Improve SESSION management on File- & Loginmanagement FIX - Table is now Responsive in Edit ModusVersion 1.5 (11.2015)
IMP - Improve SESSION management (logout) FIX - Code ImprovementVersion 1.4 (10.2015)
ADD - Allow spaces in column names IMP - Improve Mobile Edit Modus ADD - IE-Support (not voluntarily) IMP - Code ImprovementVersion 1.3 (10.2015)
ADD - Numeric values flush right in edit data grid ADD - Demo Modus is saver nowVersion 1.2 (10.2015)
ADD - Scan for all .CSV in a Special FolderVersion 1.1 (10.2015)
IMP - Small Code ImprovementsVersion 1.0 (10.2015)
NEW - Release of this Script on CodeCanyon